Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Wizard

I survived the sleep study last night, although I am quite grouchy. Nothing that we were told yesterday occured last night. My questions to the PA; Me - if I can't sleep can I get up. PA - yes, by all means. Tech - no you must stay in bed, the doctor wants you in bed. Me - my back hurts can I sit up. PA - yes, if you are hurting you won't be able to sleep. Tech - the doctor wants you to stay in bed. Me - what is the plan for tonight. PA - half of the night you will spend sleeping without your CPAP, then the other half you will spend with the CPAP on so we can determine the correct amount of air flow. Me to the Tech - when are you going to turn on the CPAP. Tech - oh you don't meet the requirements for the CPAP. When can I leave in the morning. PA - around 7:00 they will get you up and feed you breakfast. Tech at 5:30 - your done you can leave now.
The lesson I learned between yesterday and today is that the yellow brick road leads into and out of the Land of Oz. So far we have not seen the wizard, I am told there is a wizard here somewhere, but so far he is missing and is still hiding behind the curtain. There is hope, I am supposed to meet with the wizard at 10:30 but I really think it will just be the PA again. I am about ready to start walking up to men and asking them if they are the wizard, Marc is not in favor of me doing this though.

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