Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Countdown

The countdown has started, only three more days until we leave for the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I am a little nervous but filled with a nervous energy. I have such hopes for what they will be able to do for me. One of the things that makes me a little upset is that people don't realize how serious not sleeping can be for people. The other night on the news they were talking about how many diseases they have linked to people with insomnia; heart disease, obesity, cancer. I have now been up since 1:15 and didn't go to bed until 10:30, you do the math. The few people I have told (other than family) that I am going to Mayo act like they don't get it. Comments like, "a lot of people don't sleep" and "what are they going to do there your doctor can't do here". Obviously if my doctors here were doing something I wouldn't be going to Mayo. The Lesson I have learned from this is to keep my mouth shut, it is my business and no one else's. Actually this lesson applies to almost everything in life, I wish I could follow it.

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