Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It seems like we have been running races today. The first appt. was at 2:30, I met with a young, very tiny, Asian woman, I think she was a physicians assistant. She went over my paperwork with a fine tooth comb. Then I watched a video (yeah hah) about sleep apnea. I had blood work drawn and am now getting ready to go back for a sleep study tonight. At the very least the doctors think my meds are all messed up and want to change them around. She said they think I have chronic insomnia (like I haven't heard that before) and hypersomnia. This is pretty funny when you think about it because hypersomnia means you are tired throughout the day. Duh! I am tired during the day because I don't sleep at night. I guess if you put a big name on something it makes it better. I have a couple more follow up appts. with the sleep dept tomorrow and then we will go sit in the Spine Treatment area and see if they will fit me in. On Friday I will see a doctor in the Arthritis dept and then hopefully we will be back on our way home.
What lesson did I learn today, just because you work at a big fancy hospital and have a big fancy degree doesn't mean you know it all, it just means that you work in a big fancy hospital and have a big fancy degree.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are on quite an adventure there. I hope they just say here is one pill it will fix you right up and you will be as good as new. We all have our little dreams you know. Love ya!!
